Cindy Calvin believes life is about balance. She seeks experiences that fully span the spectrum, from one end to the other. Like the classes she teaches, BodyAttack and Hot Yoga, Cindy exudes high energy and endurance, and also creates quiet space for reflection. Leading a group of like-minded people, motivated and united by the music to push themselves to their max in ATTACK, and guiding the practice of individuals connecting with and learning about themselves and their breath in yoga, her teaching serves as a symbolic and literal representation of who she is.  “Magical things happen when people with shared goals get together. I am thankful to be a part of the magic.”

Certified in Les Mills BodyAttack and BodyStep, YogaFit Level I, Level 3, and Sweat, Cindy’s love of fitness began late in high school, when she paid for her own gym membership and first discovered fitness classes. BodyPump officially indoctrinated her into the group fitness community, and she was hooked. She enjoyed spinning and lifting weights, too. In a few more years, she joined Wilson’s and found BodyStep. “Now this is my jam!” she thought. Motivated by the energy and connection of Lisa Kent and the other members, Cindy staked her claim to the front row.

Lisa recognized Cindy’s potential and encouraged her to explore her own journey as an instructor. In 2008 she took the leap and trained for BodyStep. In 2009, she trained for BodyAttack, teaching both classes along with BOSU and helping to launch Sh’bam when it was just a pilot program. Cindy says she chose to become an instructor to share her passion for all things health, wellness and physical fitness. “My hope is to inspire others to start or continue their own journey to better health, to help the community meet their minds and bodies wherever they are in the moment, and find a path to wellness that fits their preferences and needs.”

In the fall of 2013, hot yoga came to Wilson’s. Though she’d not done a lot of yoga before, as a mother of two young kiddos, Cindy felt a pull toward the practice. She thought hot yoga might be a good way to ease herself into this new world, and she wanted the challenge of a hot room and the enjoyment of a good sweat. That winter she began training to become a yoga instructor, setting her on a new path that’s led to much more than she ever imagined. The meditation practice that comes with yoga has made Cindy a better version of herself. “I have learned deeper truths about myself I didn’t realize existed and have come to peace with those truths. Enjoying more peace with and acceptance of myself, just as I am, and of my journey in this life, just as it is. Learning how to rest in stillness, to see life through a new (and hopefully unbiased) lens. Yoga and meditation have brought into my heart more awareness and compassion, patience and understanding, peace and love.”

Eventually, her goal is to serve through yoga, focusing on children, veterans and others who are underserved or dealing with trauma, making yoga and meditation accessible and understandable, a tool anyone can use to bring peace to their lives. Professionally, Cindy is a senior marketing project manager on the content/creative team in the marketing department at Veterans United Home Loans. She works with a team of 20 UI (web interface) designers, graphic designers, videographers and copywriters to facilitate and execute creative and design requests that come to her department.

Outside of Wilson’s, Cindy is wife to J.D., co-owner of local real estate agency Berkshire Hathaway Home Services, and mother to Ada, 5, and Miles, 3. Cindy and her husband are passionate about their involvement with local non-profit Global First Responder, taking teams across the globe to provide medical relief and humanitarian support. As a lifelong learner, Cindy spends any free time she can spare reading (usually books on yoga, meditation and mindfulness but also business and bettering of self). She recently discovered a love and knack for acro yoga, and tries to practice once a week. Cindy also loves to travel, attend local festivals, take family walks and bike rides, and play with her kids.

Teaching group fitness is a rewarding part of Cindy’s life, making the spectrum of her experience complete. “I appreciate the opportunity to help members invest in their health and I am honored they choose to share their time with me.”